Arriving and Exploring in Cusco

Sunday, July 3

We woke up in Lima this morning and got on a bus to the airport. The flight was short so it was easy to enjoy the view. We also got to interact with the other people on the flight and practice our Spanish.   IMG_3982

When we arrived in Cusco we drove to our hotel. After we grabbed our jackets and were heading outside we came across our first llama, and we where excited to get a taste of what the culture is like here. IMG_3987

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We headed into town and grabbed lunch and got to taste some local dishes, including alpaca. After lunch we all got to explore the town square and got to do some shopping. Then we made a quick stop at a café where we got to taste some Peruvian desserts.


During evening meeting we got to meet new people in the community and learned about other people’s travels. Overall it was a really fun day of exploring new things and meeting new people.

Until next time!